Sunday, September 2, 2007

More whining about language

Consider, for a moment, the ubiquitous Spanish verb "tener". In your naive innocence, you may be thinking that this word simply means "to have", or "to hold". Indeed it does mean those things. But, depending on the context, it can mean so much more. Here is just a partial list of other verbs which can be substituted for "tener", depending on the particular context in which it appears:

  1. mostrar
  2. presentar
  3. sufrir
  4. conservar
  5. alcanzar
  6. conseguir
  7. lograr
  8. adquirir
  9. ofrecer
  10. ocupar
  11. llevar
  12. buscar a
  13. tender a
  14. perseguir
  15. mantener
  16. retener
  17. ganar
  18. alimentar
  19. soñar con
  20. heredar
  21. padecer
  22. contraer
  23. fichar
  24. ejercer
  25. desempeñar
  26. llevar a cabo
  27. attraer
  28. alojar
  29. dar
  30. proporcionar
  31. profesar
  32. compartir
  33. producir
  34. vivir
  35. soportar
  36. sostener
  37. conocer
  38. hundir
  39. cobrar
  40. percibir
  41. arrastrar
  42. medir
  43. emitir
  44. sacar
  45. lucir
  46. exhibir
  47. exhalar
  48. desprender
  49. incluir
  50. englobar
  51. hacer
  52. despertar
  53. atravesar
  54. alimentarse de
  55. escondir
  56. cumplir
  57. jugar
  58. guardar
  59. archivar
  60. presumir de
  61. vanagloriarse de
  62. conservar
  63. exponer
  64. sostenerse
  65. mantenerse
  66. acarrear
  67. coger
  68. contagiarse

and whatever you're having yourself.

Don't believe me? Think I'm making this up, self-pitying whiner that I am? What would it take to convince you? Perhaps you'd like to see all of the sentences with 'tener', and the appropriate substitutions. Well, hold on - I'll be happy to oblige. But it may take a while.

Don't even get me started on 'hacer'. Gaaaaaah!!!!!

1 comment:

Murphy Jacobs said...

I've no idea what you said, but it typed very sexy.