Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday morning update.

Monday morning, 9:30. First impressions & completely random thoughts:

  • The apartment is terrific - hugely centrally located.
  • The usual sense of accomplishment provided by totally mundane stuff - like finding, and successfully negotiating, the supermarket yesterday evening.
  • Or figuring out how to make my cellphone function as an alarm clock.
  • From apartment to school is about a 25-minute walk, which seems ideal.
  • Dinner last night at this great Italian place on the next block over. Waiter spent 10 minutes helping me with my Spanish - always a good sign.
  • The night doorman at the building did the same, on the grounds that it was "very unusual" to meet a foreigner who was interested in speaking Spanish.
  • Definite San Francisco weather. It is winter here, after all. Not super-cold, but definitely not warm.
  • Dark by 7pm last night. Also dark when I got up at 6:30 this morning - however, this is an hour earlier than what I hope is my usual schedule (had to do my placement test).
  • I think I just aced my placement test.
  • Practical matters - still figuring out the best phone option. Seems as if it may not be the cellphone. Details when available.
  • Internet cafes are plentiful and cheap. So I'm glad I left the laptop at home.

I think it's going to be completely awesome. Also, I promise to revert to a less choppy style, once I've had the chance to settle in a little bit. Honest. I promise.

It's gonna be just awesome!!!!!


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